Monday, November 1, 2010


As you can tell from the date of my posts, I failed at my project. This isn't actually surprising, considering I quit everything I start. As crazy as last week was it would have been the best time to post... but I didn't. Now, I am restarting with the same goal in mind. I think the start of the new month will help me to complete this task. So... here's to the next two weeks and what might come from it.

(I would like to thank Betsy Brooks for giving me the encouragment to do this.)

I will consider this day one.

This morning I woke up refreshed and renewed. Maybe that's due to the ten hours of sleep I got, or maybe because I know this week won't be as crazy as the last. Whatever the case may be, I like this feeling.

I have a lot to work on in a lot of different areas.

Selfishness has become a problem for me. I try to convince myself that I'm not and it's just me wanting things a certain way. But it's just me being selfish, there's no another way around it.

"(All I know) Every good thing, every true thing, beautiful in me is You, beautiful in me is You."

1 comment:

  1. I read this post last night and didn't get a chance to comment (I plan on commenting on each post by the way). Thanks for the shout out!

    I woke up feeling refreshed and renewed this morning too (even though I was going on only 3 hours of sleep like normal). It really did me good to be with y'all this weekend. The Lord really reminded me that I need to be in constant fellowship with the Body of Christ.

    Don't worry--you're not the only one that is selfish by far. One thing that I have started to do is think about one area of my life every week that I want to change or improve. If I try to improve everything at once I end up getting overwhelmed and frustrated with my failure. By picking one thing each week, praying through it, and reading scripture related to it, I find myself meeting with more success :)
