Thursday, November 4, 2010

day four

I have been extremely sensitive today. This is never good. I don't really know how/why I get into this mood, but I know I am no fun to be around when I am. Working on it.

Today, as been a bit more difficult and I feel that it's time for me to let reality sink in.

I have failed at a lot this week.

I tend to beat myself up about things, as if you can't tell from the statements above.

Maybe it's time to make a list of strengths/positive things about myself.

(no worries, I am not depressed or even sad)


  1. Yes, I've noticed that you tend to beat yourself up. You know why I noticed it so quickly?

    Because I do the same thing.

    Making a list of strengths/positives would be a good start. You know what else?

    Try to start seeing yourself through God's eyes. Through those eyes of the Shepherd that will leave the flock in search of the one lost lamb. Through those eyes of the One who chose to take ALL of our sins upon His shoulders so that we could find redemption.

    It's mind-blowing.

  2. Amen to Betsy's comment! :) And btw, you're doing great Hill! *hug*
