Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lonely Nation

I made it through my first official day of what I call a real job. For the most part... I did nothing. I trained for the first twenty minutes and then walked around the office just trying to look like I was busy. I ended up getting pushed out of every room my dad put me in to "work" on some papers. I did work somewhat my last hour but didn't bother to save the document to show it. If my next seven weeks are going to be just like this, it will be the longest seven weeks of my life. 

Today, it seems that I am doing the same thing. From 8:00 to 8:30 played tetris and some other fun games, from 8:30 to 9:00 looked up concerts at the House of Blues.. I only found one good one though, Mute Math August 18th (anybody in?). From 9:00- well now, I have been on youtube. I did look up a manual but that took only about two minutes. I am suppose to be working on some documentation but someone else already did it.. so why would I redo it. I do get to be Pam this afternoon.. I am quite excited about it. 

At least while I am writing it looks like I am doing more work then I have been doing... I am a pretty good actor at that. 

Within a day of working here, I realized there are several things I don't want to do with my life. One, live in a town where everyone knows my name. Two, I don't want to work at a desk for nine hours of my day. Three, I want a job that has me travel and get outside, sitting at this desk with no windows or pictures is pretty miserable. I am sure more will be added to my list each day I work here. I can't do to much complaining the money is good and apparently this is where God wants me for the summer. He has a funny sense of humor. 

I did enjoy not having to worry about anything last night. Who I was going to hang out with, if everyone got the message about hanging out, making sure everyone has having fun, and everything else I worry about. I came home and just relaxed.. I haven't done that in such a long time. I fell asleep at ten, which was the first since probably middle school. 

This afternoon I am filling in for the secretary while she went to her doctor's appointment. The job is easy and honestly pretty boring, but I do enjoy getting to the people who come in. Apparently, they are hiring for several positions because several people have come in to turn in their applications. People in Louisiana, Missouri are quite interesting. How these people act and what they wear while trying to get a job just blows my mind. I know I shouldn't judge because though they may not dress nice, they could work really hard but it just seems like this would never happen in Madison. If people keep this up, it will actually be entertainment for me. 

I still want God to do something with these next seven weeks. I don't want to just work and sleep. Though I am in the worse possible town ever, there is still so much I can do. I have seven weeks to grow closer and deeper to Christ. I shouldn't waste these awesome moments. 

"It’s hard to trust anyone again
after all the let downs I’ve been through,
haunted by what I’ve been through.
I know You stay true when my world is false,
everything around’s breaking down to chaos.
I always see You when my sight is lost,
   everything around’s breaking down to chaos."   

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