Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Needle and Thread.

It's been awhile. A lot has happened. Plans have changed once or twice.. well, that's an understatement.

My sister and I went to Missouri to surprise my mom for mother's day. She cried. Allison cried. I laughed. It was great to see them and actually get to spend time with them without worrying about school or friends or anything else. We were there for my younger sister's dance recital, choir concert, and cheerleading tryouts. We were there for my dad's birthday, too. The trip couldn't have work out any better. Bonus points were won that trip. 

When I left Missouri, I came back to Mississippi for all the graduations of my best friends. Went to the home school graduation to see Aaron graduate with three other kids. Yes.. they do have a home school graduation and four of them were in it. That was fun. I really enjoyed the fact that I know every one of the graduates up there, and that the 'speech' was given by our youth minister. It was so much more personal then my graduation. 

After a few days, I went back to Greenwood to spend some more time with my wonderful older sister. I really enjoy spending time with her. She is pretty much the best big sister ever. I mean she puts up with me that makes her pretty cool. 

 Then, I came back to Madison to housesit. While back, I went to Madison Central's graduation. Everyone knows how that graduation goes.. it is the same every year. I know that it would be so boring to have a four hour long ceremony, but it seems so impersonal the way it is now. You work basically thirteen years to get to graduation to hear your name quickly called as you rush across the stage. Guess there's not much I can do about it though. 

Last week, I went to the beach with my sisters. Funny thing is I'm not a beach person.. at all (I like the big cities). Honestly, I don't like sand. Probably one of the only people that doesn't like it. I mean.. I do like beaches like in Dominican Republic, but once you have seen those our beaches just don't do justice. We laid out by the pool a lot. I decided I wasn't going to put on sunscreen, I know what you are probably thinking.. idiot. But I figured I wasn't going to get any sun at all... boy, was I wrong. I got burnt... bad. The front of my legs and my back were burnt. It was so hard to sleep and I couldn't get myself out of bed the next morning. I didn't make it to the pool the second day. The trip was awesome though because it's been a long time since just my sisters and I have hung out. I noticed how we all have grown and ideas and opinions have changed. It was sad yet happy to notice the changes in ourselves, it was just something we had to accept. The trip helped us to reconnect and grown closer together. It was a much needed trip.

VBS started this week. Oh, what fun. Actually, surprising it has been fun. My class of kindergartners aren't half bad and they are really eager  to learn. They have brought joy in my life this week and I thank God for this opportunity to let me spend my week with them. Can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. 

I have officially decided my summer plans. After many arguments, fights, plans, tears, and pain I decided to spend my summer in Missouri. I will be taking a temporary secretary job for my dad this summer while his is on maternity leave. I will be Pam for eight weeks. I decided that the only way I will be able to make it through the next eight weeks is to live out The Office. I will do everything that Pam does. I can't wait. Maybe a Jim? ha. 

It took me awhile to realize what God has planned for me. Honestly, I don't know what God has planned tomorrow, but now I have a little direction in what He wants me to do. I received such an encouragement the other night at small groups. I feel refreshed, refocused, and renewed. I needed that. I hope He has great things planned for me over the summer. I want to experience something new, and though this might be the most exciting thing, it will be new. God has a plan for me. I know it. 

I am praying that God will bring me new friends while in Missouri. People who I might become close to by the end of the summer. At least one person to help make the eight weeks go by fast. Pray? One friend would be nice. 

I am changing. It's constant change. Let's hope I continue to change for the good. 

God's has a plan and He's in control. It's pretty amazing. 


You were a million years of work,” said God and His angels, with needle and thread. They kissed your head and said, “You’re a good kid and you make us proud. So just give your best and the rest will come, and we’ll see you soon.”

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