Sunday, November 28, 2010


Jimmy Fallon, also known to Allison as Jimmy O'Fallon, was on a new episode of Late Night Thursday night.  He wrote his famous thank-you notes and, as usual, I found them extremely funny. 

Jimmy Fallon: thank you notes

watch it. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

day eight

where to start.

I am continuing to read Redeeming Love. It has taken me entirely way to long to read but it's good. I am excited to finish it up.

Observation is wrapping up next week and I pretty sure I am going to miss it, I enjoy being in the classroom, in the field. That's a good thing.

Trying not to let school get me down this week. It's unfortunate how school can do that.

I was watching Apocalypto the other night. Movie was good but not necessary my favorite. I did enjoy the ending. The characters must seek a new beginning. I like the idea of a new beginning. With everything there is a beginning and an end. It was hopeful.

I am going to make it with strength not my own.

Jimmy Fallon is really funny.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

day seven

What am I really spending my time on?

(a question to ponder)

day six

Didn't really have the opportunity to write yesterday.

Made some new friends this weekend. Did a "service" project.

I realized I need to be better about serving others.

I have got to quit being so defensive.

Friday, November 5, 2010

day five

Almost forgot to write today... but I didn't.

Got to spend some time with my big sister today, it was needed.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

day four

I have been extremely sensitive today. This is never good. I don't really know how/why I get into this mood, but I know I am no fun to be around when I am. Working on it.

Today, as been a bit more difficult and I feel that it's time for me to let reality sink in.

I have failed at a lot this week.

I tend to beat myself up about things, as if you can't tell from the statements above.

Maybe it's time to make a list of strengths/positive things about myself.

(no worries, I am not depressed or even sad)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

day three

On a daily basis God reminds me of how blessed I am.

I don't deserve any of it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

day two

I am overwhelmingly blessed to have such wonderful friends. Thanks for your countless joy, laughter, encouragement, hope, wisdom, and even tears you bring me through Christ.

Many times, I forget how powerful God is. I was reminded of that today. I was reminded that, no matter how many times we fail, He still gives us love, grace, opportunities, and hope. It was a great encouragement.

Good day, though I am trying to be better about not basing my emotions on my days.

Tomorrow, I should try to make it to class. Scratch that. Tomorrow, I have to go to class.

Monday, November 1, 2010


As you can tell from the date of my posts, I failed at my project. This isn't actually surprising, considering I quit everything I start. As crazy as last week was it would have been the best time to post... but I didn't. Now, I am restarting with the same goal in mind. I think the start of the new month will help me to complete this task. So... here's to the next two weeks and what might come from it.

(I would like to thank Betsy Brooks for giving me the encouragment to do this.)

I will consider this day one.

This morning I woke up refreshed and renewed. Maybe that's due to the ten hours of sleep I got, or maybe because I know this week won't be as crazy as the last. Whatever the case may be, I like this feeling.

I have a lot to work on in a lot of different areas.

Selfishness has become a problem for me. I try to convince myself that I'm not and it's just me wanting things a certain way. But it's just me being selfish, there's no another way around it.

"(All I know) Every good thing, every true thing, beautiful in me is You, beautiful in me is You."