Yesterday, was just one of those days where you just don't quite know how to describe it. It was crazy, wonderful, stressful, overwhelming, and at the end of it I just wanted to cry. I almost cried not because of how busy it was, but because of the encouragement I received.
We went downtown to a Jackson park for Bible Study. We passed out waters and talked to some of the people who live there. God quickly reminded me that although I don't have a bed, I still have a place to sleep at night, I don't have to freeze, I don't have to sleep on the ground or a park bench, I have a home. Throughout the night, I was reminded of how blessed I am. I know I am blessed.
This kinda all leads up to today, a brand new day. Right now, I am in the process of moving. I'm moving in with a friend of mine and her family until school starts. I realized that I had way too much stuff just to store at her house for a few weeks. I decided that whatever I don't use or really need I should just give away. I know I have clothes and a ton of other things that I don't even use, or remember buying. This should sound like a simple task but I am a pack rat.
I was told something today that I needed to hear (once again shows how amazing God is). With this move and the amount of stuff I have, I basically feel like I am putting a family out, like it is a big hassle for me to stay. I already have thank this family several times for letting me stay, and I haven't even moved in yet. I was told that I wasn't a burden, that I was loved and they are doing this because they love me. This is showing Christ's love to others. Comfort remains in that statement.
This post is really just a bunch of thoughts typed out, some might not make sense at all. But for now I am leaving it like this, until I chose to read over it.
"All I know is that every good thing, every true thing, beautiful in me is You, beautiful in me is You."
Wow. I really needed to read this right now :) Thank you.