Friday, July 30, 2010

I’m tired of striving to be, who You already say that I am. I am Yours...

I find that blogging right now is way more enjoyable then packing or working. Honestly, don't know what or how I want to say everything. In a way, once I were to verbally say what is going on in my head... I would realized that I am completely off base and be once again reminded that I am just a stupid kid. It's just something I am going to have to get over, and not let this struggle bring me down. Now that I got those thoughts out of the way, I can move onto way bigger, more important things. So here we go...

Yesterday, was just one of those days where you just don't quite know how to describe it. It was crazy, wonderful, stressful, overwhelming, and at the end of it I just wanted to cry. I almost cried not because of how busy it was, but because of the encouragement I received.

We went downtown to a Jackson park for Bible Study. We passed out waters and talked to some of the people who live there. God quickly reminded me that although I don't have a bed, I still have a place to sleep at night, I don't have to freeze, I don't have to sleep on the ground or a park bench, I have a home. Throughout the night, I was reminded of how blessed I am. I know I am blessed.

This kinda all leads up to today, a brand new day. Right now, I am in the process of moving. I'm moving in with a friend of mine and her family until school starts. I realized that I had way too much stuff just to store at her house for a few weeks. I decided that whatever I don't use or really need I should just give away. I know I have clothes and a ton of other things that I don't even use, or remember buying. This should sound like a simple task but I am a pack rat.

I was told something today that I needed to hear (once again shows how amazing God is). With this move and the amount of stuff I have, I basically feel like I am putting a family out, like it is a big hassle for me to stay. I already have thank this family several times for letting me stay, and I haven't even moved in yet. I was told that I wasn't a burden, that I was loved and they are doing this because they love me. This is showing Christ's love to others. Comfort remains in that statement.

This post is really just a bunch of thoughts typed out, some might not make sense at all. But for now I am leaving it like this, until I chose to read over it.

"All I know is that every good thing, every true thing, beautiful in me is You, beautiful in me is You."

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I really needed to read this right now :) Thank you.
