Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lower Still

I had one of the best classes of my entire college career today. Might sound a bit dramatic, but it's completely true.

In British Literature, Dr. Miller talked about Mississippi College's mission statement. I have seen this several times, but I haven't really read it or thought about it.

Anyway, to sum up what I thought was the best part of the conversation was the part were Dr. Miller discussed how low Jesus actually went. I kept thinking about My Epic's song "Lower Still." I listened to the songs and actually listened to the lyrics. I felt the need to put them up.

Lower Still

Look, He’s covered in dirt, and the blood of His mother has mixed with the earth, and
she’s just a child who’s throbbing in pain from the terror of birth by the light of a cave.
Now they’ve laid that small Baby where creatures come eat like a meal for the swine
who have no clue that He is still holding together the world that they see,
they don’t know just how low, but He has to go lower still.

Look, now He’s kneeling, He’s washing their feet!
Though they’re all filthy fisherman, traitors, and thieves.
Now He’s pouring his heart out and they’re falling asleep, but He has to go lower still.

(and we all said in unison...)
There is greater love to show! Hands to the plow! Further down now! Blood must flow!

All these steps are personal! All His shame is ransom!

Oh do you see? Do you see just how low He has come? Do you see it now?
No one takes from Him. You can’t take what he freely gives away...

Beat in His face; tear the skin off His back. Lower still. Lower still.
Strip off His clothes; make Him crawl through the streets. Lower still. Lower still.
Hang Him like meat on a criminal’s tree. Lower still! Lower still!
Bury His corpse in the earth like a seed, like a seed, like a seed. Lower still!
Lower still, Lower still, Lower still, Lower still.

The earth explodes, she cannot hold Him. And all therein is placed beneath Him.
And death itself no longer reigns, it cannot keep the ones He gave Himself to save.
And as the universe shatters, the darkness dissolves,
He alone will be honored, we will bathe in His splendor as...

...All Heads Bow Lower Still! All Heads Bow Lower Still!

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