Monday, March 1, 2010

in repair

It's one of those days that I have to apply what I have been learning. It hasn't been the easiest day. I missed both of my morning classes (overslept) and while sleeping sounds good, I really needed to be in class. I decided to finally get myself out of bed and study for my lab test, and let's just say that wasn't the best test I have taken. I easily could say this a bad day (and with the rain that makes it a extra bonus.) But I can't do that. I cannot based my days on my emotions. Emotions aren't bad. But can you imagine what the world would be like if we based everything on our emotions. (side thought.) God gives us each day so how can that be bad. We should be thankful. I learn so much more through these days then other days. This is something I constantly have to remind myself about.

I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Got some big things coming up and really excited to see how God works through them.

One thing I am trying to do better of is sharing Christ's love in the daily things I do. It's a work in process for me.

I am also trying to do better about letting the little things go. I don't really know why I let things get to me and why I can't let it go. It's been like that as long as I can remember. But it's something I am working on.

How God works is simply amazing. Today, I just needed some good friends to talk to, even if it wasn't a deep conversation. Not only did he give me one but four. I mean, I talked to more then four people, but these four people randomly talked to me and said things that just really brighten my day. Random messages are awesome either if it's reminding someone you love them or asking what they need prayer for. It's something I need to work on doing for others.

1 comment:

  1. I think that you are an incredible example to others, and to myself! Keep on keeping on :) <3
