Sunday, February 28, 2010

do you feel (the weight of the world singing sorrow)

It's funny how defensive I get for some people. It's almost if no one can say one bad thing but me. Not that I should say anything bad, but if anyone can it should only be me. That might not make any sense at all. But tonight, I realized I did that.

It's also funny how people complain and get upset about how someone does their job. (okay.. so it's not funny.) But what gives us the right to complain and get all worked up about a job that isn't even ours.. we don't get paid to do it.. we weren't hired to make the decisions .. plan the activities.. and speak, they were and we should let them do their job. I think sometimes people think they can run things though it's not their job too, and that is kinda irritating to me. (This probably also doesn't make sense.) Tonight, I also realized, how much we complain about people and how people can have completely different views on things.

I know both of those seem kinda off the wall and not really explained to well, but I needed to vent. (daniel, remind me to talk to you about this)

If I continue to follow God's plan, I believe He has something big in store for me this summer. I can't get sidetracked and I can't miss deadlines.

On a lighter note, reading Mo Willems' books with Paige make for a great Saturday night. Look him up, he is great.

Tonight's post is short. I need to study Human Biology and read over my lesson for Sunday School. Big midterm Monday. (ugh)

happy birthday rebekah. i love you.

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