Thursday, February 25, 2010

so, in this hour

This week has been the most incredible, wonderful week. I know that because God has given us each day and each week that they are all wonderful. Yet, there is just something about this week that makes it stand out from all the rest. So I will just describe each day.

Sunday: Starting the week out going to God's house to worship. What could be better? Sunday School and the service were both great, and I am learning so much through the series in both of them. Ate lunch with some of the greatest people (well, to me they are) laughing the whole time through lunch. I still go to small groups, which I know can be lame, but I really enjoy starting my school week off like that.

Monday: Went to all my classes! Got my American Lit test back and did way better then I thought I actually did, yay. Biology Lab was just as easy as usual, and we got out within an hour. Later that night, hung out with three awesome people. It doesn't take much for them to make me laugh. I love them dearly.

Tuesday: Missed one class (but I'm not going to let that get me down.) Went to chapel and enjoyed the speaker while enjoying a Red Bull, it was wonderful. The speaker had some great points, but his overall view just didn't seem to quite be all of it (kinda hard to describe). Went to my math class, had a test, and it only took me twenty-five minutes. It was really easy. Hopefully, I made an A on it. Went to a dinner party, and got to know some great people. (I really need to take more time getting to know people). Best part of the day was getting to hang out with someone who always brightens my day. Had some great and much needed talks. Thank-you my friend.

Wednesday: Went and took my communications test. Then, I spent the next two hours in sleep. It was the best nap I have had in awhile. Went to my next class, and then enjoyed lunch with the roommate and suitemate. I went back to Ridgecrest tonight and it was pretty grand. We sang to Switchfoot in the car and then to the rocket summer on the way back to school. It was quite enjoyable (and funny too.)

Now it's Thursday and I know it will be a great day.

You are probably thinking.. seriously, I don't care about your week. But earlier, I read through my old posts. I almost began to cry over what I had written. I was wanting to be so wrapped up into Christ (and I still do). But I guess it's like reading a journal and realizing how much you have grown. I am longing for Christ. I want to give up everything I have for Him. I want that.

I have a friend who is going through a rough time. Monday night, she needed me so I went to talk to her. On my way, I just asked God to give me the words to say to her. When I got there, I had nothing to say and I just watched her cry. It's not a good feeling seeing someone cry and you just feel like there is nothing you can do. But then I remember Job and his friends who visited him and just sat there with him for seven days in silence. I remembered when there were times I just wanted someone to come sit with me, so that's what I did for her.. just sat there with her. I feel like at that time that's what I needed to do. I do ask for prayer, this will last awhile, and I know it will have it's ups and downs. Sometimes, I really just want to give up and walk away, but what if my friends would have done that to me... where would I be today? I can't do that. Lord, I ask for patience and wisdom and strength to deal with this situation.

"Now, the truth of it is, is I wanna be like You
So hello, good friend, I wanna be next to You
For my head, for my heart, for what's true
So take me and save me and change me and then make me
And embrace me and then brave my heart for You
No, no, 'cause I can't go on without You
And it's time for something new"

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