Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Company Car...

I cannot even began to tell you how much I am craving Chick-fil-A. I haven't had it in 31 days. That is a new record for me, I think maybe the longest I have gone without it is a week. I even had a dream about it last night.. how sad is that.

Another thing I have learned is that if you come in to fill out an application don't wear a shirt that says 'You know you are a stoner when...' seriously.. do you want a job, that looks so trashy.. no matter what type of job you are applying for. Also, clean yourself up. I know you are only trying to get a warehouse job, but it makes a much better impression.

My favorite is when you come in three times within an hour checking on your application. Seriously.. why do that, you know no matter how many times you call or come in I am going to give you the same answer and you are not going to get to talk to Amy. It's really annoying.

This week has been a crazy week in the office. The auditors (otters) are here, now what they were here for... I have no clue, but this meant I have to step up and actually pretend to work. I do know that they were asking everyone what they did on a daily basis (maybe, but I could be wrong.) I knew it would be really bad if they asked me.

This is what I do every day at work: Arrive about two minutes late everyday. From 8:04 to 8:15 work on Liveperson. From 8:30 to 9:15 I get on msn and read just about every article that they have on there homepage (I have learned a lot). I try not to read them all at once so I have some to read in the afternoon. From 9:30 to 11:00 I can be found on the NBC website playing all of the office games. I have gotten pretty good at them. From 11;00 to 11;30 I prepare to go to lunch, this means sitting patiently and waiting for someone to come downstairs and sit here while I go to lunch. From 11:30 to noon I have lunch, usually I am about three minutes late getting back. From 12:30 to 2;00 I try to find new games online to play, Bingo, Freecell, Mini Putt Putt are all usually played during this time. From 2;30 to 3;30 I usually count down until I get off and can go home. From 3;30 to 4;15 I usually actually do some work, I scan in papers and send them to people, I work on Liveperson, and then make up some work for me to do. Then, at 4:25 I usually go home. Now, in between all of this time, I do answer the phone when it rings and I do transfer it to the right people (like I just did), and I deal with clients who walk in and annoying people who check in on there applications.

I know what you are thinking... Hillery you are so productive how is it you get so much done in a day. My answer is this: When you are as passionate about a job like I am about this job, the work, basically,just does itself.

So this morning I was doing my usually msn article reading and I came across probably two of the funnest articles, ever. I just had to put it on here.



Something I didn't think I was going to do this summer... go to a Jonas Brothers concert. I saw they had pretty cheap tickets available to their concert in St. Louis on the July so I decided to take my sister to it. How sweet am I? Though, I am not going to lie I am pretty pumped about the concert... it's going to be awesome.

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