Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Company Car...

I cannot even began to tell you how much I am craving Chick-fil-A. I haven't had it in 31 days. That is a new record for me, I think maybe the longest I have gone without it is a week. I even had a dream about it last night.. how sad is that.

Another thing I have learned is that if you come in to fill out an application don't wear a shirt that says 'You know you are a stoner when...' seriously.. do you want a job, that looks so trashy.. no matter what type of job you are applying for. Also, clean yourself up. I know you are only trying to get a warehouse job, but it makes a much better impression.

My favorite is when you come in three times within an hour checking on your application. Seriously.. why do that, you know no matter how many times you call or come in I am going to give you the same answer and you are not going to get to talk to Amy. It's really annoying.

This week has been a crazy week in the office. The auditors (otters) are here, now what they were here for... I have no clue, but this meant I have to step up and actually pretend to work. I do know that they were asking everyone what they did on a daily basis (maybe, but I could be wrong.) I knew it would be really bad if they asked me.

This is what I do every day at work: Arrive about two minutes late everyday. From 8:04 to 8:15 work on Liveperson. From 8:30 to 9:15 I get on msn and read just about every article that they have on there homepage (I have learned a lot). I try not to read them all at once so I have some to read in the afternoon. From 9:30 to 11:00 I can be found on the NBC website playing all of the office games. I have gotten pretty good at them. From 11;00 to 11;30 I prepare to go to lunch, this means sitting patiently and waiting for someone to come downstairs and sit here while I go to lunch. From 11:30 to noon I have lunch, usually I am about three minutes late getting back. From 12:30 to 2;00 I try to find new games online to play, Bingo, Freecell, Mini Putt Putt are all usually played during this time. From 2;30 to 3;30 I usually count down until I get off and can go home. From 3;30 to 4;15 I usually actually do some work, I scan in papers and send them to people, I work on Liveperson, and then make up some work for me to do. Then, at 4:25 I usually go home. Now, in between all of this time, I do answer the phone when it rings and I do transfer it to the right people (like I just did), and I deal with clients who walk in and annoying people who check in on there applications.

I know what you are thinking... Hillery you are so productive how is it you get so much done in a day. My answer is this: When you are as passionate about a job like I am about this job, the work, basically,just does itself.

So this morning I was doing my usually msn article reading and I came across probably two of the funnest articles, ever. I just had to put it on here.



Something I didn't think I was going to do this summer... go to a Jonas Brothers concert. I saw they had pretty cheap tickets available to their concert in St. Louis on the July so I decided to take my sister to it. How sweet am I? Though, I am not going to lie I am pretty pumped about the concert... it's going to be awesome.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Shadow Proves the Sunshine.

Seven weeks is much longer then it sounds. It's a month and a half. Usually, a month and a half goes by pretty quick.. well, not this one. It's going faster then it could go, but not as fast as I want it to. I have never wanted to be back in school so badly.

I want, so badly, to be out of this country. I want to get away from technology, people, and life here. I am sick of spending my days at work then going home to watch four movies a night. It's gets old and I can't spend the rest of my life doing this, no matter how good the money is. This is definitely be the only summer I spend here.

Maybe I should transfer schools? Try going someplace else far from here and there. I would love to go to NYU, but I know my parents answer to that one. Though, I am excited about this semester of school. New roommate, new classes, maybe a major, new dorm, and new friends. I am pretty sure this will be a great year.

I have thought more about what I have learned while in Louisiana and would like to continue on with my list:

1. If you pick on someone constantly they will eventually break down. I have picked on my little sister since I first got here (nothing new) and yesterday she broke down and cried. Didn't mean for her to get so upset about it, yet she is very dramatic.

2. Netflix is simply the best. You can watch movies on there website which is even better. I watched three movies online one afternoon and it was great. I would suggest everyone get netflix.

3. I am starting to read Crazy Love and it already seems like a great book. I believe that it will change and leave me wanting something more.

4. Technology is amazing. I spent half the car ride to Kansas City on the Internet, got to love wireless cards.

5. I think I was adopted.

6. Compassion has been something I have been learning about this week. This young unmarried couple came in the other day to check on their applications.(Remember that is annoying) I took them what I tell everyone else, we are still taking applications and hiring and if Amy is interested she will call you. The lady told me that she just needed to know because they had rent coming up soon. What do you say to that? Is that suppose to make us what to hire her? I told my dad later and told him I didn't feel sorry for this unmarried couple living together and he told me I was an compassionate person. Is it wrong I don't feel sorry for this couple? I mean.. to some extend I do. But are they really trying to look elsewhere for a job too. I guess I don't feel sorry because I know this town and the people in it have potential for something greater, and very few people in this town have reached their potential. It's really sad.

If you have seen the preview for the orphan you know how creepy it looks. Well.. I took my sister that she was a orphan and the movie was based off her. She didn't believe me, but I got a laugh out of it.

Cannot wait till August 18. MuteMath.

"Citywide rodeo, you set on the stage
Where all the clowns will go when they feel their age
I know that you think you're not good for anything
The world makes you feel so small
Get on your wooden horse
This is a ride, not a fight
No need to save face, say goodnight, Grace
"Good night, Grace."
There's dust on the stadium seats, there's dust in your hair
You wonder how fast you'll go when you hit the air
And oh, isn't it strange how things can change you?
And oh, isn't it plain that some things unname you
So don't ask anybody else.
Citywide rodeo, step into your car
Look up at the indigo and pick out your star."

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A New Way to be Human...

I have been in Missouri for exactly seventeen days. That feels like a long time. I still have forty-five days here, but who is counting. I'm counting down the days till I leave, yet counting the days of this 'journey' God has given to me. I am disappointed in myself for not being where I want to be spiritually. I have wasted a lot of time, not really depressed or mad but just sitting around. I feel that now this trip is going to be a turning point and new things are going to come out of it.

Now being here for seventeen days I have learned a lot about Missouri, especially Louisiana, Missouri. Missouri is completely different from Mississippi. Really the only thing in common is that well.. I can't think of anything. I can tell you important things I have learned.

1. In Louisiana, everything closes by nine. Nice restaurants (the three of them) close at eight. Fast food restaurants close at nine. Wal- Mart and Kroger both close at nine. On Sundays, restaurants close at two. As long as it takes us to decide where to eat this just wouldn't work for us.

2. People are completely different. The personalities here are nothing like the personalities in Mississippi. Yes, there are a lot of nice people here, but people are just not the same. I am holding many sarcastic remarks in because I don't know who would be able to handle them.

3. I have learned a lot about business and companies. When applying for a job do not call every day to check up on your application (and don't even think about going in to check on it unless they call you). Don't even call five times. Call three times at the most but make sure your calls are spread out over several weeks. It's really annoying to human resources and the receptionist to call a lot. Sometimes they won't hire you because of it.

4. Do not smoke a cigarette right before you come in to fill out an application. You will smell bad and it isn't professional someone may walk by and smell you and not want to hire you. (Someone just did that and is now filling out a application)

5. Don't bring people with you to an interview or to fill out an application.

6. Be nice to the boss' kid. Not all of boss' kids are spoiled, self centered, and rude all most people think.

7. Most people in Louisiana don't know what a Chick-fil-A is.. yes, I know what you are thinking.. how could they not know. There are only three in the St. Louis area. I haven't had CFA in twelve days.. that is a new record. That will be my first meal back in Mississippi.

8. God has taught a big lesson since I have been here. I don't need anyone but Him. I have realized that I am content with just a few people to hang out with. Don't get me wrong I love all my friends and I miss them greatly. But I realized that I could make it a summer without some people.. I don't always have to be around people and I don't always have to rely on people.

I am sure that there is more.. I just haven't figured it all out yet. That's nothing new.

I want to go on a mission trip. Maybe one by myself. I want to get out and explore what God has created. Maybe God has given me this trip to prepare for something bigger.

"My debut is coming soon and you already know what I'm gonna do.
You got my time on the dotted line but you show up invited
But before I sign it someone say I'm not making mistakes and please don't be fake.
My debut comes today and my feelings have all run away.
With the man that I am but understand if I don't keep going
It just goes to show thatI've been beat by an industry that I've never seen.
This is me on my knees singing take it all from me, take it all speak to my needs, my needs.
Take it all, take it all. This is me.
When you grow silent I start to fall. When you grow silent I start to fall . "