Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Here's to the fiftieth post.  Only took two years.

two thousand and eleven. you will be an exhausting year. you have already brought new hope, joy, fear, trust, and tears. and it's just march. but you will be a year of growth, and i will make it through, but not by my own strength. that's for sure. 

with help from a close friend, i am reminded that things here are only temporary.  considering the fact i struggle with change you can imagine how difficult this can get for me. (even though it shouldn't be at all.)  it's a control and trust issue.  all a learning process.  learning that God has something different planned. and instead of fearing, i should embrace and be fully open to what He has.  i am excited to see what it is. 

i am so thankful for my friends and the staff i work with. i am blessed to have them.  

rebekah arant is an awesome big sister. got to spend some much needed time with her this past weekend. seriously, i've got the best big sister. 

this year is a sealed envelope;
with apprehensive hope
we brace for anything.
i understand that nothing changes that,
the past will be the past.
but the future is brighter than any flashback. 

Sleeping at last's march ep came out today.  They featured Jon Foreman on one of their songs. Great birthday gift. 


  1. Yay! A post from Hillery! I hear you on change. It isn't my favorite, but then again not all change is bad. Some of the best changes in my life have been good -- marrying my husband, having my two boys. So I am going to start praying that you will realize that side of "change"!

    You are amazing, Hillery!

  2. I'm praying for you, Hil....that we can learn together how to graciously accept everything that God sends our way, constantly praising Him, whether our circumstances seem good or bad. We should talk soon...I'm learning a lot, and I know you are too...and I want to hear about it!

  3. Ms. Deanna - this change is quite what i was expecting or wanting. But God has bigger plans then I can ever imagine. He is definitely trying to get me out of my comfort zone. (I am realizing this as I write). Thank you for your prayers!

    Betsey - In the midst of learning all of that. I'm also learning that certain situations that I think are bad aren't really that bad.. when I fully rely and trust in Him. Yes, let's talk very soon.

    I love you both!
