Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Your Love Is Strong.

"Heavenly Father, you always amaze me. Let your kingdom come in my world and in my life. 
You give me the food I need to live through the day. And forgive me as I forgive the people that wronged me. 
Lead me far from temptation. Deliver me from the evil one. 
I look out the window the birds are composing. Not a note is out of tune or out of place.
I look at the meadow and stare at the flowers. Better dressed than any girl on her wedding day.
So why do I worry? Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need! You know what I need!"
-Jon Foreman

Today is Day 4 of no Diet Coke. It hasn't been to terribly horrible. Each day gets easier and I started to become less reliant on my daily DC (yay). Though, my chick-fil-a meals just aren't the same without it. I just have to prove everyone wrong and that I can actually do this. Only 3 more days. I got this. 

This past weekend was pretty eventful. Big weekend for the family. Got to love those. Someone can still be mad at you from 500 miles away, realized that this weekend. I do love my family though. Still don't know what to think about the whole thing. Let's just say I am very thankful for friends. Sorry for the random spill. 

Oh, can I just tell you how much music is a passion of mine. Molly Jenson, Jon Foreman, Sleeping At Last, Jon Mclaughlin, The Weepies.. incredible artists. I strongly suggest checking them out. Most of them are pretty well-known, but still are great. 

And I also love movies. Mostly any kind of movie. But, recently, I have starting watching movies that have a deeper meaning then a silly romance at the end. I mean, I like those movies, but I love a good tear-jerker. The Green Mile, Once, Bella.. all really good movies. I do have to say my favorite, though, is Life as a House. Awesome movie.. and I cried. If I were you, I would check it out. 

Finals start soon. Make that 5 days. Thank goodness I don't have that much to study. Just a few chapters from each class. I got it pretty easy this semester. 

I realized two different things over the past few days: 

One. I have lost focused in my relationship with Christ. Last week, I spend the entire week trying to figure out what was going on with myself. I really can't put into words what was going on. I just knew I wasn't myself. The funny thing is (well.. it's not really funny) is that I didn't even make this assumption. You have got to love friends that almost know you better then you know yourself. This week I am working on being focus. Because in the end, Christ is the only thing that matters. This world is nothing. 

Two. I set my hopes way to high. I get way to excited about something and I set my hopes where really nothing can reach them. I set them up to be let down. I am still trying to figure why I do this and how I am going to work on it. There's gotta be a way though... right?

Working on my relationship with Christ. It's pretty difficult minus the pretty.. it's just difficult. 

I can tell how much I have grown the past year. I was at dinner a few nights ago and the conversation was not for the glory of God. I know that I should have gotten up and left, but I just sat there. I didn't participate in the conversation, but yet, I didn't stop it. So it's just the same as joining in on what they were talking about. Did I make any sense?  

I know I still have a long way to go though. Hoping I spend my summer focusing on Him and His will. Prayer would be nice. 

But for now, I will leave you with a funny video. Now for a little bit of background. Chicago during spring break. The parks close at like 9, but that doesn't ever stop us. There was a skating rink with the door open.. (which only asks people to come play on) so a few us decided to do a little skating. Only our college group would. 

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