Thursday, April 23, 2009

Life's A Funny Thing...

It's funny how things turn out, usually completely different from how we plan them.  When I look back at my life I am pretty amazed at where I am today.  I have been completely blessed and I don't deserve any of what I have been given.  

2009 has been an incredible year so far.  I have grown more in my spiritual walk then basically since I have been a Christian.  Also, I have grown closer to several awesome people.  

The school year is almost to an end and I am not sure what to think about it.  Being my first year in college, I would have to say its been a very different year.  I have definitely become independent.  Summer is almost here and I have no idea what I am going to do.  Well, I know what I want to do and I have it all planned out but plans never turn out the way you plan them.  If I had it my way, I would live with my brother and babysit this summer. But instead of doing things my way, I really want God to use me this summer. I want to have an incredible summer of doing his will. Yet, I am struggling to find out what that is.  Is it to go live in Missouri with my parents, which is the last place I want to be, or stay in Mississippi.  Eventually, I will figure it out, when I move out of the dorms and need a place to stay. 

On the other hand, I can't believe how fast time flies.  Yes, I know it's extremely cheesy to say and kinda ridiculous. But think about it.  Tomorrow I am going to lunch with my brother.  He just got out of the military and this will be the first time in five years that we will actually be able to hang out.  I am really excited to see him and to be able to catch up on life these past five years.  

We'll see how these next few weeks turn out.
God only knows. 

1 comment:

  1. A. Welcome to blogger!

    B. I am really glad that you are getting to eat lunch with your brother.

    C. I hope this summer turns out in a way that truly amazes you ;)

    D. Is an amazing first letter to a name :P
