Friday, December 31, 2010

a new year

another year you made a promise
another chance to turn it all around
and do not save this for tomorow
embrace the past and you can live for now
and I will give the world to you

speak louder than the words before you
and give them meaning no one else has found
the role we play is so important
we are the voices of the underground
and I would give the world to you

say everything you’ve always wanted,
be not afraid of who you really are,
cause in the end we have each other,
and thats at least one thing worth living for,
and I would give the world to you

a million suns that shine upon me
a million eyes you are the brightest blue
lets tear the walls down that divide us
and build a statue strong enough for two,

I pass it back to you
and I will beat for you,
cause I would give the world

this is the new year
a new begining
You made a promise
You are the brightest
we are the voices
this is the new year

Saturday, December 11, 2010


It's four a.m. and I'm still awake.  What's new.

This is finals week/weekend. Such a joyous time.  Already pulled one all-nighter and tonight looks like it's going to be number two.  Got my Chemistry final bright and early in the morning.  The stress is gradually growing as I continue to study for a subject I have a deep dislike toward.  Tried to take a short nap but couldn't even keep my eyes closed.  And now I have this fear that I am going to be sick in a few hours just from being nervous/stressed. Welcome to finals.

in need of focus.  
in need of motivation.
in need of courage. 
in need of change. of heart.

Lately, I have become exhausted with myself.  exhausted of who i am. selfishness and communication has become a problem. 
I know the changes I need to make.  

God continuously covers me in His grace.   
He reminds me there is always HOPE. 
HOPE will never disappoint me. 
Romans 5:1-5

working towards these changes.
don't give up on me yet.