Tuesday, October 19, 2010

day one

I have lost complete motivation to get anything done. Right now, I could care less about projects, tests, assignments, and observations. Hope to have my motivation back by tomorrow.

So it's officially day one of my project, but I wish I was more excited to sit down and write my first post.

Lately, I feel like I have become quick to anger. Maybe I always have been but just now realizing it. Or maybe, it's just because I have had a terrible attitude. Whatever the case is, it's a heart condition and I know it has got to change.

God is in the process of changing my heart. It's a slow process, but I am getting there.

more to come.

(Thank you to those who put up with me on a daily basis.)

Monday, October 18, 2010


This is the start of my new project.

For the next two weeks my goal is to post something new everyday. I hope to continue this for at least a month, but for right now my goal is two weeks. My hope is to focus my blog around what God is teaching, how He is working, and how I can improve myself.

I'm excited to see how this project will unfold. Encouragment and feedback will be much appreciated.