Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life and Love and Why

I am officially finished with my first year of college. Not quite sure what to think. Am I happy school is over with? Yes. But I'm not quite sure I am really ready for it to be over with. Maybe it's the fact I still don't know what going to happen this summer. I know that I shouldn't worry about it, but that is easier said then done, especially for me. Once again, God only knows. 

I do have to say this has been an pretty awesome first year of college. Plenty of new friends have been made and I have grown closer to some old friends, too. My relationship with Christ has grown more this year then ever, and if I remember anything from my freshman year twenty years from now... I want it to be that. I still have a long way to go and I have got to remain focused. 

Honestly, I really want to take the time to thank the people who have helped me get through my freshman year. The people who have let me stay with them... the people who have always been there to listen to me and comfort me... the people who helped me move in... and the person who gives up his Thursday nights for our college Bible study. I greatly appreciate and love you all. You really don't understand how much you mean to me and I don't say it enough. 

"I question are You big enough, and I wonder are You strong enough to help me even stand. I wish I had more faith in You, even though I know what You have brought me through. I want to understand where You are going with this plan. I know You got one but sometimes it hard to see how You're molding me." 

I made it a whole week without a Diet Coke. Reached my goal. Actually went a whole day longer then I had originally had planned. I gave in and had a Diet Coke on Friday night with my chick-fil-a meal. Honestly, I really enjoyed it. So now I am apparently suppose to give it up... forever? I don't know how it got turned into that... and it would be difficult to give up. It kinda sounds like a drug. I just don't understand how it went from just keeping up something I like for a week to giving it up forever. We'll see how it turns out...

I am officially moved out of the dorm… as of an hour ago. That was stressful. Never have I been a good packer especially to move. Moving out of the house was terrible. It took me forever and I am pretty sure the movers disliked me. My brother came and helped with the carpet… that was interesting. By the way, carpet is heavy… especially down three flights of stairs. I am positive I had lost my mind while checking out. Thank goodness I have friends to help me calm down.

So now it’s summer…